Category: When Banned Things Happen To Good People

Episode 39 – The Little Prince

  It’s a week late, but we’re all relaxing for the summer anyway, right? This episode it’s The Little Prince that Oren and Todd are discussing as they finish up their summer reading program of children’s books. It’s actually a novella rather than a children’s book, so maybe the extra...
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Episode 38 – The Paper Bag Princess

  Things get silly this week  when Todd invites his 10-year-old daughter to join the podcast to talk about The Paper Bag Princess, a book that was challenged in the 80s for promoting anti-family messages. So how do we feel about this Robert Munsch story about a boy, a...
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Episode 37 – Prince & Knight

Our hosts continue to kick back with some easy-to-read children’s books, including the LGBTQ+ friendly Prince & Knight, an apparently simple fairy tale that features a prince and a knight falling in love and living happily ever after, which is apparently considered pornography now. Sure, it’s a shorter episode than...
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Episode 36 – The Adventures of Captain Underpants

Todd and Oren take a bit of a break from big, serious novels to spend a few weeks look at books intended for a younger audience — that still somehow manage to get themselves banned. This week we look at the adventures of a man who runs around fighting...
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Episode 35 – First Anniversary (Live)

  Holy hell this podcast has been around for a year! Who saw that coming!? So Oren and Todd took some time too look back at where they’ve been, and to look to where they’d like to go. And along the way their share which moments they regretted and...
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Episode 34 – Last Tango in Paris

We wrap up our first year of podcasting with one of the most controversial films of all time, and a film that released during the year that Todd was gestating in his mother’s womb — Last Tango in Paris (no The). Is it “obscene content offensive to public decency, characterized...
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Episode 33 – Nekromantik (1987)

This week Oren (accidentally) brings something nasty to the Banned Things table with the 1987 West German horror film Nekromantik. He said he thought it as a comedy. It definitely wasn’t. Come along for the ride as our hosts try to process what might be the second most romantic film...
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Episode 32 – Day of the Dead (1985)

  It’s starting to look like Zombie Month with yet another zombie film in the Banned Things queue, this time the 1985 George Romero film Day of the Dead. Oren and Todd break down this very goopy, gory movie with their usual wit and insight, though they were both wrong...
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Episode 31 – 2 Live Crew (Nasty As They Wanna Be)

Oren and Todd do their first episode looking at a banned piece of music, with guest coast Dave Coalmine along for the ride. Just how nasty was the album Nasty As They Wanna Be? Well, you’ll have to tune in to find out, but it’s probably pretty nasty. Also, be...
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Episode 30 – Brain Dead (or Deadalive)

This week Oren and Todd settle in with a film that reaches new heights of gore that’s from the director of The Lord of The Rings Trilogy, Peter Jackson. Brain Dead (or, as it was known in North America, Deadalive) it’s been banned in places like Germany and South...
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