Did you miss the live wrap-up of The Turner Diaries? Don’t fret! We’ve got the recorded version of it right here! It’s exactly the same as the live version, except you can’t phone in anymore. We talk about racism. We make some announces. There are special guests. It’s a good…
Episode 24 – The Turner Diaries (Part Three)
It’s over. They’ve done it. Oren and Todd have made it to the end of The Turner Diaries which, they hope, is the worst thing they’ll ever have to experience as part of this podcast. And boy, did this part of the book give them a lot to dig through,…
Episode 10 – Denver Airport
In this episode, join Carlo and Todd as they check in on the conspiracies that surround the Denver Airport. Whether it’s lizard people living in the underground tunnels, a nazi themed runway design, a bunch of weird art that can’t really be explained, or just your average underground bunkers to…
Episode 23 – The Turner Diaries (Part Two)
Todd and Oren survive another week with the “Bible of the Racist Right” and continue to follow Earl Turner on his exciting adventures in attempting to overthrow The System. Here there be N-words and Nazi sympathy and a couple of hosts are mostly just eager for this to be over…
Episode 9 – Celebrity Conspiracies
In this episode, join Carlo and Todd as they dish out the latest conspiracy gossip on some of tinsel town’s hottest stars. Find out which celebrities have been replaced with clones. Then learn which clones have been replaced with other clones! Is Taylor Swift actually the former high priestess of…
Episode 22 – The Turner Diaries (Part One)
Join Todd and Oren as they dig into the first nine chapters of what will hopefully be the worst thing they ever read on this podcast, a book that has been called the “Bible of the Racist Right” — The Turner Diaries. This is an ugly book filled to the…
Episode 8 – The Moon Landing
In this episode, join Carlo and Todd as they launch into some interesting conspiracies behind the moon landing. What’s up with all those photos? Is it actually made of cheese? And why didn’t Stanley Kubrick win Best Director for his part in the coverup? Facebook: Facebook.com/HalfCutConspiracies Donate: BuyMeACoffee.com/BlahBlahBlah Patreon: Patreon.com/BlahBlahBlahMedia Email: HalfCutConspiracies@gmail.com Web: BlahBlahBlahMedia.com
Episode 21 – A Clockwork Orange (Finale)
Oren and Todd once again went live to wrap up their look at A Clockwork Orange, a dicussion that included both the novel by Anthony Burgess and Stanley Kubrick’s film. Also, a caller gave our hosts a quiz on some Nadsat words, and oh my brothers, they did not do…
Episode 20 – A Clockwork Orange (Film)
A Clockwork Orange has the rare distinction of being a work that has been banned as not only a novel but a film as well, so Oren and Todd decided to take look at the 1971 Stanley Kubrick adaptation alongside their discussion of the novel. What they find is an…
Episode 19 – A Clockwork Orange (Part Three)
Todd and Oren reach the final part of the novel A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, including the infamous Chapter 21 that was not originally included in the U.S. release of the book. Spoiler Alert: Things do not turn out well for your humble narrator, Alex. Facebook: https://facebook.com/bannedthingshappen Email: bannedthingshappen@gmail.com…