Category: When Banned Things Happen to Good People

Episode 8 – The Autobiography of Malcolm X (Part Six)

We wrap up our episodic look at The Autobiography of Malcolm X by talking about the Epilogue, which describes Alex Haley’s experience interviewing Malcolm X and putting the book together. We also discuss Spike Lee’s film adaptation from 1992. Also, Oren reveals something troubling about how he reads books....
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Episode 7 – The Autobiography of Malcolm X (Part Five)

This week we’re talking about the final two chapters in the Autobiography of Malcolm X, covering the final period in his life following his visit to Mecca, just prior to his death. Oren and Todd also take a few minutes to talk about the raging dumpster fire that is...
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Episode 5 – Gone With The Wind

Todd and Oren take a break from their look at the Autobiography of Malcolm X to visit a film from the same era (a film mentioned early on in the Autobiography — and not exactly raved about). Gone With The Wind features problematic portrayals of slavery, and was recently...
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Episode 4 – The Autobiography of Malcolm X (Part Three)

Audio issues are overcome and the podcast is back on schedule with this week’s episode, as Todd and Oren continue to look at Autobiography of Malcolm X — which, for this week’s chapters, reads a bit more like the Autobiography of the Nation of Islam....
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Episode 2 – The Autobiography of Malcolm X (Part One)

This week Todd and Oren finally dig into their first book — The Autobiography of Malcolm X — covering chapters one through five, as well as the introduction. They also discuss the evolution of language from 1965 to 2020 while trying to keep their white male privilege in check....
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Episode 1 – Why We’re Here and What We’re Doing

This is it! The first official episode of When Banned Things Happen To Good People! Todd and Oren talk about why they care about the topics of censorship and free expression, and we tease the title of the first book we’ll be reading (hint, it’s not the one we...
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Episode 0 – The Accidental Episode

Get a behind-the-scenes look at some of the brainstorming that went on in the creation of When Banned Things Happen To Good People. While testing our audio setup we chatted about the podcast itself, and this is what we ended up with! Hope you enjoy this peek behind the...
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