Episode 8 – The Moon Landing

In this episode, join Carlo and Todd as they launch into some interesting conspiracies behind the moon landing. What’s up with all those photos? Is it actually made of cheese? And why didn’t Stanley Kubrick win Best Director for his part in the coverup? Facebook: Facebook.com/HalfCutConspiracies Donate: BuyMeACoffee.com/BlahBlahBlah Patreon: Patreon.com/BlahBlahBlahMedia Email: HalfCutConspiracies@gmail.com Web:...
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Episode 21 – A Clockwork Orange (Finale)

Oren and Todd once again went live to wrap up their look at A Clockwork Orange, a dicussion that included both the novel by Anthony Burgess and Stanley Kubrick’s film. Also, a caller gave our hosts a quiz on some Nadsat words, and oh my brothers, they did not...
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Episode 20 – A Clockwork Orange (Film)

A Clockwork Orange has the rare distinction of being a work that has been banned as not only a novel but a film as well, so Oren and Todd decided to take look at the 1971 Stanley Kubrick adaptation alongside their discussion of the novel. What they find is...
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Episode 19 – A Clockwork Orange (Part Three)

  Todd and Oren reach the final part of the novel A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, including the infamous Chapter 21 that was not originally included in the U.S. release of the book. Spoiler Alert: Things do not turn out well for your humble narrator, Alex.  Facebook: https://facebook.com/bannedthingshappen Email:...
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Episode 7 – US Election (Live Recording)

In this live episode, join Carlo and Todd as they express their god-given, patriotic free speech about all the conspiracy madness around the recent US presidential election. Also, hear from an actual American who called in to the show with his view on some stuff. Join our patreon to...
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Episode 18 – A Clockwork Orange (Part Two)

Todd and Oren continue their look at A Clockwork Orange, digging through Part Two of the novel, which sees your humble narrator, Alex, succumb to the Ludovico Technique, which appears to have cured him of his tendency towards evil … or at least made it painful and nauseating to...
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Episode 6 – Area 51

In this episode, join Carlo and Todd as they beam down the truth about Area 51…or at least what the government wants us to know about it. Is it just another military base, or an alien technology testing facility? Also, find out about some bearded american guy who has...
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Episode 17 – A Clockwork Orange (Part One)

Happy New Year! It’s the first episode of 2021, and Todd and Oren discuss their viddying of the horrorshow novel A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess. This episode covers Part One of the novel, and if someone of the words in this description made you scratch your head, you may...
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Episode 5 – War on Christmas / Roswell UFO Crash

In this episode, join Carlo and Todd as they comb through the details of the 1947 Roswell UFO crash. Was this our first encounter with aliens or did the US government just suck at flying their new drone and didn’t want Russia to know about their sweet new toy....
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Episode 16 – Hail Mary

In our final episode for 2020, we are visited not by Christmas ghosts but by Carlo Sia, co-host of another Blah Blah Blah Media production, Half-Cut Conspiracies. Carlo joins Todd and Oren to discuss the 1985 Jean Luc Godard film Hail Mary which turns out not be as religious as...
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